Research after the HRZZ project
14.01.2021.Continuations of research in the direction of application of cold atmospheric plasmas in the field of agriculture and development of diagnostic methods based on laser-induced breakdown.
The project ended on 31st May 2018
29.06.2018.Project results at CROSBI
Job opening – one year Postdoc position
05.05.2016.We have a job opening for one year postdoc position (possible second year extension), to work on the project under supervision of Slobodan Milošević. The topics is related to low-temperature plasmas.
Job opening – PhD – 5 years
05.05.2016.We have a job opening for five years PhD position, to work on the project under mentorships of Nikša Krstulović. The topics is on collisional laser produced plasmas. The candidate should fulfill requirements to enter doctoral study. The position is financed by MZOS.
For additional information contact dr. sc. Nikša Krstulović (
New publication in Plasma Sources Science and Technology
01.04.2016.Article “Metastable helium atom density in a single electrode atmospheric plasma jet during sample treatment” by Zaplotnik, Rok; Bišćan, Marijan; Popovic, Dean; Mozetic, Miran; Milosevic, Slobodan has been accepted for publication in Plasma Sources Science and Technology.
Update: on-line
New publication in Analitical Chemistry
01.04.2016.Manuscript “Capillary Dielectric Barrier Discharge: Transition from Soft Ionization to Dissociative Plasma” by Klute, Felix; Michels, Antje; Schütz, Alexander; Vadla, Cedomil; Horvatic, Vlasta; Franzke, Joachim has been accepted for publication in Analytical Chemistry.
Update: on-line